Myths related to such offences are responsible for manipulating public belief and hindering justice. Some of the commonly held misconceptions are that young women ask to be assaulted, and most of the cases that are reported are false. Such myths develop prejudice, prevent victims from seeking justice, create a wall to report to the police or reach out to a sexual assault lawyer, and so on. In this blog, we are going to debunk some commonly held misconceptions about sexual offences to make the readers aware and make an informed decision.
On the contrary, most of the time, people who are known to the victim perform such cases. This can range from friends, acquaintances, co-workers, and even family members. Sex offenders can be their partners and spouse or someone they have a deep bond of trust with. If you or someone you know has been a victim of such a crime, getting in touch with a sexual assault lawyer is crucial to seek justice at the earliest.
Although many young adults who are involved in sexual assault cases have faced abuse in their childhood, most individuals who have undergone some type of assault during their early years do not grow up to be sex offenders.
No. Instead, most sexual assault cases are committed by sane individuals because mental illness does not make a person perform sexual offences. It is due to a stereotype set in society by the media that we often relate sexual offences as something committed by mentally insane people. Proper awareness is necessary, and society must understand that a sex offender can be anyone, ranging from a person having stable employment, a happy married life, and even children.
A rape is not a heat-of-the-moment decision; rather, they are often pre-planned to facilitate the miscreant to perform the act with greater control over the situation. Furthermore, it can happen to anyone at any point in time, irrespective of age, sex, gender, and race. It is not an act based on pleasure or attraction. Rather, it is inflicted to have control over one’s body and to assert domination over those who the offender feels are the most vulnerable. It is a common practice to blame female victims after they have been raped because of the type of outfit they choose to wear on the day. However, it is to be remembered that rapes happen in every nation, culture, and society. A woman dressing in a certain way depends absolutely on her individual choice and is never an indication to commit an act of sexual offense on her.
Why a person facing sexual assault keeps away from reporting the crime is due to several reasons. First and foremost, explaining the tragic act that one had to face can be traumatic. Other reasons include the fear of not being taken seriously, the fear of being re-assaulted by the offender, and the pangs of court battles where the victim may face a blame game. Therefore, having proper knowledge from an Assault Lawyer Perth about what one can undergo in a court proceeding is crucial to make up the mind accordingly. Most importantly, it does not negate the fact that the offence never happened, even if the victim chooses to stay silent and shies away from reporting the incident to the police.
Being under the influence of any substance does not provide anyone with a free pass to engage in sexual activity that is uncalled for. Being in a state of high makes a person vulnerable, and perpetrators take advantage of the situation to sexually assault them. It is also a crime when someone uses alcohol or drugs as a way to heighten the vulnerability of someone to pave a clear path to engage in a non-consensual sexual act.
In conclusion, it is important to note that clearing the air surrounding myths about sexual offences is of utmost importance to provide a safe environment for victims and survivors. Spreading awareness can result in increased cases of reporting and seeking justice in courts with the help of an Assault Lawyer Perth. This will ultimately guide society in developing successful ways to prevent such crimes from occurring.