What’s The Difference Between Theft, Robbery, And Burglary?

January 15, 2025    criminaldefencelawyersperthwa
What’s The Difference Between Theft, Robbery, And Burglary?

In Australia, separate criminal offences with varying degrees of severity have different legal consequences. But what happens if you face any of these accusations?

Consultation with a theft crime lawyer is paramount for seeking the proper guidance. This blog post will explore the main differences between these crimes, including their focus, victim interaction, and more.

An overview

In Australia, these three are separate crimes with different levels of seriousness. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the main differences between them to understand their legal implications.

1. Theft:

It is the fraudulent taking of another person’s property without his consent.

Key Elements:

  • It involves a fraudulent intention to deprive the owner of their property permanently.
  • Theft without the owner’s consent.


  • Shoplifting
  • Stealing a wallet
  • Taking a bicycle without permission.

Penalty: it depends on the value of the property stolen and does not exceed five thousand dollars. In addition, there is a maximum fine of the same amount and/or twelve months imprisonment. If you have been accused, seek help from a theft crime lawyer Perth.

2. Robbery:

It is the theft committed on a person by any kind of force or threats or by putting fear into any person.

Important Characteristics

  • Taking away some property from a person using force or threats.
  • Through force or Coercive/ violent threats against the victim


  • Mugging someone on the street
  • Robbing someone at gunpoint in a convenience store
  • Taking a purse from a person by force.

Sentence: Under robbery, the maximum imprisonment term can be up to 14 years in the District Court. Except for that, imprisonment for two years may also be given under the Local Court.

3. Burglary:

This is the act of entering or attempting to enter a building with intent to commit a crime, usually theft.

Key Elements:

  • Unlawful entry into a building or a dwelling.
  • Intent to commit a crime within the residence, usually theft.


  • Breaking into a house to steal electronics.
  • Breaking a shop after its closing time to steal property.

Penalty: In Australia, they may receive up to 14 years of imprisonment. They may even be given a life sentence. However, the severity of the penalty depends on aggravating factors. It is crucial to contact Criminal Damage Lawyers if you have been facing such charges.

Know The Difference Between Theft, Robbery, And Burglary?

1. Focus

Theft: This crime concerns solely the unlawful taking of someone else’s property, with taking without consent at the heart of it.

Robbery: It is more than the act of taking property. It involves the use of force or threat in committing the crime, distinguishing it from theft, as force is not used. The robbery lawyers can help you out in such circumstances.

Burglary: is the unauthorized entry into a house or building. The motivation for the entry is crucial. It is commonly committed to commit any type of crime, like theft. However, the illegitimate aspect of entering the property labels it as burglary.

2. Victim Interaction

Theft: Although this crime does not involve touching between a thief and his victim, it can be committed in many different ways. These include shoplifting and pickpocketing thefts, such as stealing from an unlocked car.

Robbery: This crime directly involves contact with the victim. This can start with actual physical violence or threatening words.

Burglary: The exposure to the burglar differs from that of a victim. Burglars are sometimes not around when a burglary occurs, but if they present and are confronted, then the case becomes severe for the perpetrator.

3. Severity

Robbery: Robbery is usually considered more serious than theft. Additionally, the chances of injury to the victim in the former are much higher.

Burglary: Though it does not appear to be nearly the magnitude of robbery, burglary, too, is significant. Perhaps again, the gravity of the offence could be considered.

Knowing the main differences helps one realize how serious each crime is and what kind of legal actions could result from it.


These three crimes have different severity levels. To understand their differences, an individual needs expert assistance. Contact criminal lawyers if you have been charged with any of the above crimes and seek your rightful justice in Australia.

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